2025 Partnership Opportunities
Donate to the Festival
The Trailing of the Sheep Cultural Heritage Center, Inc., is proud to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As a non-profit Festival, we rely on the generosity of you, our Festival friends and fans, to support us.
We also welcome bequests - a gift through your will or estate plans - that creates a lasting legacy of your commitment to the Festival. Recently, we were one of the privileged beneficiaries of a generous gift from the Estate of Patricia Lane. This gift is allowing us to create an endowment and plan for the long-term future of the Festival.
We are grateful for your gifts to help us fulfill our mission to gather, present, and preserve the history and cultures of sheepherding in Idaho and the West. Thank you for your kindness!
(And...your donation is 100% tax deductible!)
*A small processing fee is added to each online donation. Should you wish to add a few dollars to assure your donation amount is fully gifted to the Festival, please do so at checkout. We are grateful for you!
NOTE: On-line sales for Parade Sheep Sponsors ends at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, October 1. Should you still wish to sponsor a sheep in the Big Sheep Parade and receive your "One of the Herd" button, please visit us at HQ at the Argyros October 2-3 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Thank you!
For more information about supporting the Festival in any way, please contact Executive Director, Laura Musbach Drake at 208.720.0585 or

Become a Sponsor
We are a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization. Sponsoring Festival events and programs provides extensive benefits for the community and your business. The Festival has become a Sun Valley signature event and an international "bucket list" event for good reason. Thousands of visitors and guests help make this a premier extended weekend for local businesses every October. And, with more national awards than any other Valley Festival, it is a great investment in the community and your business. We cannot do it without you!
For detailed information on sponsorship benefits, contact:
Laura Musbach Drake, Executive Director or 208.720.0585
Leave a Legacy
Remembering the Trailing of the Sheep in your estate plans keeps the spirit of sheep ranching alive and makes a difference for future generations. There are many options including making a provision in your will.
For detailed information on leaving a legacy gift, contact:
Laura Musbach Drake, Executive Director or 208.720.0585
Mail-In Donation
Would you like to mail in your contribution? Fill out the form below and mail a check to:
Trailing of the Sheep Festival
PO Box 3692
Hailey, Idaho 83333