Basque Writing
Enjoy this Basque Writing from Martin Etchamendy also translated into English.

Martin Etchamendy with his loyal companion on the beautiful mountains of the Tejon Ranch in Kern County, California
In these verses, the author is expressing his authentic feelings about his occupation.
A mountain-range sheep herder is faced with an extraordinary challenge that involves his heart and his soul, a call that is next to impossible to explain, a vocation that only he can fulfill by excelling in his responsibilities.
He becomes a master of his flock and of the wilderness with all of its adversities, eventually finding satisfaction and solace in his endless environment.
This complete setting of man, nature and sheep inspires meditation and prayer and evolves into a deep spiritual relationship with the lord.
Written by Martin Etchamendy (Translation by Jean & Louisa Etchamendy)
Dedicated to the CWGA 150th Convention's Anniversary July 16-17, 2010
In the vast far west of North America
Plentiful flocks of sheep roam the mountains, night and day.
Many with some Basque descendants around them,
Moving about in freedom with hearts full of joy.
When daylight appears in the eastern horizon
the whole of nature awakens at the same time
It is then that the sheep herder salutes the mountain
And starts wholeheartedly the chores of a new day.
He goes from mountain to mountain, king of the wilderness.
keeping a close friendship with the environment.
The singing of the birds enlighten his heart,
Absorbing all as an example for a healthy life.
I go on grazing the flock with great pleasure,
Looking for the best land for them to graze
Trying to avoid the areas with any possible danger
Sharing a complete unity and freedom with the sheep.
When the night descends at the sheep camp, we all come together.
Around the big fire, the sheep look at me.
The dog, moving affectionately, comes to my side.
Looking up to heaven we thank the Good Lord!
Ipar Amerikako, mendebal haundian
Artalde asko dabiltz, gau egun mendian
eskualdun seme zonbait, heien ingurian
Gabiltz libertatian, bihotza lorian.
Ekaldean delarik, zerua argitzen
Naturaleza oro, betan iratzartzen
Artzainak orduan du, mendia agurtzen
Egun berri bati da, bozkarioz lotzen.
Mendiz mendi badoa, ororen errege
Ingurumenarekin, arras adixkide
Xorien kantoreak, bihotz alaitzale
Bizi sano batentzat, hartuz erakasle.
Artaldea alatzen, ibiltzen naiz gostuz
Bazka leku onenak, heientzat bilatuz
Lanjerra den tokitik, ahalaz beiratuz
Libertate osoa, heiekin zatituz.
Gaua deneanjeusten, elgartutzen gira
Su baten inguruan, ardiak neri beira
Xakurra karesaka, heldu zait ondora
Jauna eskertzen dugu, zeruari beha!
Martin Etchamendy "Artzaina"
Pertsu hok emanak izan dlira Artzainen Ohoretan.
Neure bizi moldea kantatzen dut, nihaurek bizitzen dutan bezala. Donua: "Salbatore gora da Garazi aldean"