New Vendor Inquiries

Please follow these steps to inquire about your participation:
1. Click on the INFORMATION button after you read the rest of these steps. Carefully review the guidelines, dates, fees and additional details. Most of your questions will be answered in this document.
2. If you have any further questions about qualifying, email the event contact person: (Fair and Happy Trails at Town Square)
or (Trials). Include 2-3 images of items you are offering and a short description of your work.
3. Determine if you meet the defining criteria.
4. After you have determined you qualify, click the APPLICATION button; complete the application, pay the non-refundable $35.00 Application Fee and submit.
5. Submission of your application does not guarantee acceptance.
6. You will be informed of your acceptance within seven days of receipt of your Application, Application Fee payment, images and bio. Once approved, we will request payment for your requested booth space(s).

FOOD TRUCKS & VENDORS: We are a sheep festival. Our events offer lamb dishes to our visitors. We do have limited opportunities for vendors who offer desserts, treats or drinks. If you have other items, please email us first. (Accepted vendors will be charged for two spaces)